Bahij Chancey AICP is an Urban Planner who designs and constructs equitable physical, social, and economic infrastructures.

As a Senior Associate at WXY Studio, Bahij manages planning processes for city government agencies, school districts, business associations, and nonprofits that blend novel public engagement with data analytic findings.

His work embodies a deep sense of public service.

Bahij was formerly Senior Manager for partnerships and external relations at Green City Force, a workforce development nonprofit that trains NYC housing authority residents for career pathways in the green economy. Bahij previously served as an AmeriCorps Member with the NYC Parks Department, and as an architectural draftsman. He was formerly a board member of Transportation Alternatives and a public member of Brooklyn Community Board Six.

Bahij has a Master’s in City Planning from MIT, a BFA in Architecture from Yale, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).


You can reach Bahij at: hi /at/ bahij /dot/ nyc.
replace the @ and .